Myles and Peg Brand Graduate Fellowship in Bioethics
The Brand Fellowship is geared towards students in the MA Philosophy who have chosen the concentration in Bioethics. These students are eligible to apply for the Brand Fellowship.
This endowed fellowship may be awarded to a new or returning student in the Bioethics concentration of the Philosophy MA program in the IU School of Liberal Arts a IU - Indianapolis. The fellowship award includes a $10,000 stipend from which health and dental insurance will be drawn, if needed. The purpose of the fellowship is to support a research project that concretely applies philosophical/ethical principles to real-life situations in the health care or biomedical research context. The project should connect the student with faculty and resources in one or all the following: The Myles Brand Chair in Cancer Research in the IU Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center, The IU Center for Bioethics, or the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IU - Indianapolis.
Graduate Assistantships